"जहाँ स्थूल शरीर के अहंकार की व्रत्ति नष्ट हो जाती है, वहां तत्काल ही निव्रत्ती निवास करने लगती है I निशिचत रूप से यह जान लो कि वह जीव की परमात्मा के साथ एक होने यानि परमात्म स्थिति होती है" I
In one, whose pride of material achievements disappear, detachment takes its place immediately - and that in itself is the ultimate state of being. Remember this perfectly well.
In one, whose pride of material achievements disappear, detachment takes its place immediately - and that in itself is the ultimate state of being. Remember this perfectly well.
(Clause 52 Adhaya 17, Sai Sachitra Dr R,N,Kakriya)
ॐ साईं राम