Tuesday, February 26, 2013

In chapter XL of Shri Sai Satcharitra,

it is written,

Blessed is Shri Sai Samartha, Who gives instructions, in both temporal and spiritual matters, to His devotees and makes them happy by enabling them to achieve the goal of their life. Sai, when places His hand on their heads, transfers His powers to them, and thus destroying the sense of differentiation, makes them attain the unattainable thing. He, Who embraces the Bhaktas, who prostrate themselves before Him with no sense of duality or differentiation. He becomes one with the Bhaktas, as the sea with rivers.

Read Sai leelas and feel His presence.
May Sai bless all !

श्री साई सच्चरित्र

श्री साई सच्चरित्र

आओ मिलकर पढ़ें और साथ जुड़ें !

श्री साई सच्चरित्र अध्याय 1

श्री साई सच्चरित्र अध्याय 2

आओ मिलकर पढ़ें और साथ जुड़ें !

Sai Aartian साईं आरतीयाँ