Guru Nanak Dev Ji.,the first guru, the founder of Sikhism, was born in 1469 in a village in Pakistan. As we know that The birthday of Guru Nanak Sahib falls on Kartik Poornima, i.e., the day of the full moon in the month of Kartik. Their birthday usually falls in the month of November. The celebration of this holy day is celebrated differently at different places....Generally two days of their birthday, Akhand Path(a 48 hrs of continuous reading of Guru Granth Sahib) in the Gurdwaras.
Shirdi Sai
Thursday, November 10, 2011
श्री साई सच्चरित्र
श्री साई सच्चरित्र
आओ मिलकर पढ़ें और साथ जुड़ें !
श्री साई सच्चरित्र अध्याय 1
आओ मिलकर पढ़ें और साथ जुड़ें !